Tuesday, November 27, 2012

FAQs and a hiatus

Hello & Happy Holidays!

i am sneaking this blog post in at the 11th hour to make sure November does not end up with zero posts! i also wanted to announce what may already be obvious - i am on a blog hiatus until the new year.

EJ, what will you be doing on your hiatus?

What are you writing?
Something I have no business writing. Two somethings, actually. I've never written 2 rough drafts at the same time. We'll see how it goes.

What if you have book news while on hiatus?
I will definitely break the silence to announce anything exciting... like, ahem, perhaps a cover and new title for next year's book! ;)

Why are you writing this post in a Q-and-A format?
Oh! Because I wanted to draw your attention to the new FAQ tab at the top of the blog! I don't get asked questions all that frequently, but when I do get Qs, they are frequently the same ones. I thought it was about time I put them all in one place.

hope you all have fabulous holidays and happy new years. i'll be back bloggin' at ya in January!

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