Friday, October 19, 2012

breaking the silence

October has always been my favorite month, so it seems fitting that this is also an awareness month for a cause close to my heart. October is National Bullying Prevention Month. (For information about the evolution of NBPM and how you can get involved, please follow the links at the very end of this post.)

i’ve done several guest blog posts recently about bullying. it’s somewhat comical, considering how much i’ve avoided talking about bullying here on my own blog, but i suppose it’s natural to be asked about it, since it’s a subject i write about. and there’s no time like my dear October to break the silent streak.

so here are the links to those posts:
At Uniquely Moi Books, I tell the true story of an encounter with a bully.
At The Book Life, I talk about bullies and bystanders.
At Bibliophilic Book Blog, I was asked about cyber bullying.

that last post is what made me want to continue the discussion. in that post, i was also asked whether bullying was on the rise or whether it’s just getting more attention as a cause. i’ve been giving that a LOT of thought, and i’m crafting a new blog post all about the explosion of bullying awareness and how it could backfire.
so i’ll be back next week to explain why i think “Bully” has become a buzzword.

in the meantime,
Click here to read about how Nat’l Bullying Prevention Month came to be.
And click here for the organization that started it all.


Unknown said...

Great (and very natural considering your latest book) that you're speaking your mind about bullying EJ.

As backward as it sounds, there's always a risk when 'issues' become hot that the victims will get drowned out by the clammer of the cause.

There becomes this sort of, "Here's a problem, and by golly we are all going to fix it, right now" mentality that only skims the depth of the real issue. I think that likely stems from people getting involved that maybe aren't intimately connected to the problem at hand.

It's tricky, because the only way to create widespread awareness is to get THOSE people involved. But there are also some evils that come along with. Guess I feel we need a whole mess of sensitivity training to go along with all of the activism, but that might be a cake-and-eat-it thing.

Hope you (and Butter!) are doing well! :-D

Other EJ

erinjade said...

exactly, EJ - the real victims get lost in the "issue."

my buzzword blog about this goes up tomorrow! :)