Friday, August 3, 2012

save the date!

September may trump October this year as my favorite month.

BUTTER will be on bookshelves Tuesday, Sep. 18th. is that really only 6 weeks away? holy cow!

and the following Saturday, Sep. 22nd, i will get to share BUTTER in person with friends, family and hopefully a few new faces at a lunch party at Changing Hands Bookstore in Phoenix.
save the date! details to come!

finally, in September, i get to make a rare autumn trip home to the midwest. i can't wait for the smell of fall. i miss it all the time. here's hoping the leaves turn super early this year.

i am still buried in revisions for next year's book, but when i come up for air, i plan to be blogging more often. in the meantime, have you checked out my agent's blog recently? (link! click it!) the past month has been full of amazing advice/information for writers. highly recommend.

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